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跨越四十载 肯尼亚杂技教练的中国情

时间:2024-05-27 18:30来源:中国新闻摄影学会 【字体:

  Taking the Stage Together  

  When Mathias Kavita was 13 in 1983, he had never heard about acrobatics. A trip by the young gymnast along- side 23 other teenagers to the Chinese embassy in Kenya’s capital Nairobi introduced him to the field after he watched a film about it.

  The encounter marked the beginning of Kavita’s journey with acrobatics as weeks later, the 24 youths made their maiden trip to China to train as acrobats. This was after Kenyan officials teamed up with their Chinese counterparts to send the children for acrobatics training in China as pioneers in the art.

  In two years, Kavita learned the ropes that made him a top trainer in Kenya. He also very quickly took to Chinese language and culture at the troupe.

  He said he is proud of training more than 1,000 acrobats to perform in shows across the world. “My training in China was instrumental because it made me an inter- national performer and a good teacher of acrobatics,” he said.

  Today, the seasoned performer is a major part of Kenya’s acrobatics scene and regularly trains youngsters at Sarakasi Dome in Nairobi.

  1983年,24名肯尼亚青少年经选拔前往广州杂技团学习杂技,为期两年,13岁的Mathias Kavita(马迪尔斯,小黑)为其中之一。或许他不曾想到,40年前的中国之行改变了他的一生,也使得杂技在肯尼亚发展壮大起来。如今,小黑已经是肯尼亚顶尖水平的杂技教练,培养了一千多名学生。


跨越四十载 肯尼亚杂技教练的中国情

  Acrobats practice juggling at the Sarakasi Dome arena in Nairobi, Kenya, on Oct 3.


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  Young acrobats practice moves at Sarakasi Dome in Nairobi on Oct 21.


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  Acrobats pose for a group photo after completing a training session at the Sarakasi Dome arena in Nairobi, Kenya, on Oct 3.


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  Grace, 7, learns acrobatics at Sarakasi Dome in Nairobi, Kenya, on Oct 21.


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  Acrobats perform on stage during a show themed “Haunted Circus” at Sarakasi Dome in Nairobi, Kenya, on Oct 27.


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  Mathias Kavita (right) instructs acrobats building a human pyramid at their training area in Nairobi, Kenya, on Oct 3.


跨越四十载 肯尼亚杂技教练的中国情

  Kavita (front) demonstrates acrobatic feats for his student, at the Sarakasi Dome arena, Nairobi, Kenya, on Oct 3.


跨越四十载 肯尼亚杂技教练的中国情

  Kavita shows his diploma at his office at the Sarakasi Dome arena, Nairobi, Kenya, on Sept 21.


跨越四十载 肯尼亚杂技教练的中国情


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