Olga Barantseva 美女与熊的童话故事摄影集
 http://www.cnpressphoto.com 2015-06-09 14:00:11 来源:

  来自俄罗斯的创意摄影师 Olga Barantseva 拍摄了一组美女模特和棕熊的摄影作品,为读者展示了一组童话般的世界,该作品目的是展现人与熊之间的自然和谐关系,反对非法的狩猎活动。

Olga Barantseva 美女与熊的童话故事摄影集

  Russian photographer Olga Barantseva captured these incredible shots of beautiful models posing with a giant brown bear in a snowy forest near Moscow. The images look straight out of a fairytale, showing a softer side to the big predator. As part of an anti-hunting campaign, the extraordinary photos are meant to "show the natural harmony between humans and bears," according to Barantseva.

Olga Barantseva 美女与熊的童话故事摄影集2

  The bear, named Stepan, weighs more than 1,400 pounds and stands at a height of over 7 feet, but he is completely docile and willing to pose with his human collaborators. Stepan was rescued from hunters as a cub by his owner, professional circus trainer Yury Panteleenko.

Olga Barantseva 美女与熊的童话故事摄影集3

  The bear was raised to be people-friendly, and has played roles in over 20 Russian films. For this shoot, Stepan was coaxed into different poses by his trainer with the help of mozzarella and sweet cookies, two of his favorites treats.

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Olga Barantseva 美女与熊的童话故事摄影集7


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Olga Barantseva 美女与熊的童话故事摄影集9


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